Etikettarkiv: autism

Bota kroniska sjukdomar med GcMAF – eller diet?

För dig som inte känner till vad nagalase och GcMAF är så finns det en enkel och något humoristisk sammanfattning här:

Kroniska sjukdomar, som persisterande borrelia och andra coinfections, ME, virus m.m. brukar innebära förhöjda nagalasevärden, och det betyder i sin tur att immunförsvaret inte fungerar som det ska.

Hur åtgärdar man det om man inte kan få tag på GcMAF som nyligen har stoppats/förbjudits (kanske för att det visade sig bota även cancer)?

Jo, man kan förbättra, och i bästa fall helt återställa sina nagalase- och GcMAF-nivåer (och därmed få ett fungerande immunförsvar), genom kosten. Ketogen diet (som gör att man hamnar i ketos och förbränner fett istället för kolhydrater), är det som gäller. Det verkar som att en bra tarmflora återställs på kuppen.

Funkar detta för autistiska barn så borde det funka för oss:

”Further on Dr. Bradstreet writes, ”It is reasonable and likely that the nature of the immune dysfunction and the frequently observed autoimmune problems in autism are mediated by persistent, unresolved viral infections.” He claims to have tested approximately 400 children with autism for the viral marker, nagalese, and found that nearly 80% have significantly elevated levels. He hopes to publish soon on this study and believes this information ”is one of the most important developments in the clinical treatment of children on the spectrum that I have experienced in the last 15 years.”

Dr. Bradstreet’s article got my attention because of my daughter’s own nagalese testing. I had her tested back in May (when she’d endured three hospitalizations due to uncontrolled seizures) and her reading was 3.3 (reference range 0.35-0.95). In desparation we tried the ketogenic diet (high fats and low carbs), and although there have been some rough patches since May we have avoided further hospitalizations.

And her stools normalized.

Yes, I know all of you realize how important that is. We’re talking months and months of good stools. Seizures down at least 80%. So of course, your friendly neighborhood science teacher was interested in what her nagalese levels might be, so we did a retest in late September. This time her reading was 1.7. It was about a 50% drop, and while it’s still abnormal, it is progress. It makes me wonder if a low-carb diet starves viruses of an energy source.”

Mer om ketogen kost:

”Ketogenic diets are not high protein diets, but are instead diets in which the majority of calories come from natural fats. Protein intake is moderate and only small amounts of carbohydrates are allowed. Because fat is so dense in calories, this just means adding a moderate amount of extra butter, olive oil or other natural fat to fresh, whole food meals.

A typical ketogenic meal includes a 3-5 ounces of protein, usually cooked in natural fats (for example, butter, beef tallow, lard, duck fat, cream, olive oil, or coconut oil) with the addition of green leafy or non starchy vegetables such as salad greens, spinach, summer squash, or kale.

The restriction of carbohydrate is the key factor in this diet. When carbohydrate foods are digested, they are broken down into blood sugar (glucose) in the body. The more carbs we eat, the more glucose is created. If we reduce carb intake and instead eat more fat and protein, it causes our internal metabolic pathways to switch from burning sugar to burning fat.”

Annan ketogen kost, beroende på hur man utformar den är LCHF, GAPS och i någon mån Paleo.

Själv hamnade jag oplanerat i ketos av GAPS introduktionsdiet för snart ett år sen, och kom inte ur det på flera månader. Rekommenderas alltså inte utan försiktighet om du väger för lite eftersom man kan rasa ytterligare i vikt, vilket jag gjorde, vägde 40 kg som värst! Möjligen kan det avhjälpas genom att tillföra hyfsat stora mängder fett. Kolla även upp andra kontraindikationer för att testa ketogen diet, det står om det på den länkade sidan ovan.

Det är något oklart om koständringen måste vara permanent, eller om den funkar som ett rebootande av immunsystemet, så att man kan återgå till en mer varierad kost senare. Troligen räcker det att ändra på kosten tills immunsystemet har kickat igång, så att man sen kan övergå t.ex. till LCHF eller GAPS för att underhålla det.

Här står det mer om effekter av ketogen kost på autism, alzheimer, parkinson m.m:

Jag tror att detta funkar på två sätt:

1) GcMAF normaliseras när nagalase minskar, via dieten.

2) Infektioner (virus, bakterier, parasiter) tas då om hand av immunförsvaret som återigen kan fungera normalt.

Nån mer som har testat? Dina erfarenheter? Kommentera gärna!

Här står benbuljongen åter på spisen och puttrar… 😉

Are you wrongly diagnosed?


Have you been diagnosed with for example ME/CFS, MS, Lupus (SLE), RA, ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, Crohn’s, IBS, various psychiatric diagnoses (from depression/anxiety to ADHD/ADD, Autism and schizophrenia)?

Check out the connections between all of these illnesses here:

The fact is that you might have infections (usually caused by various bacteria, and sometimes by viruses), causing unbearable symptoms, that you’ll only get symptom relieving medications for,  instead of antibiotics that would go to the root of the problem so you would have the chance to become healthy instead of taking the wrong kinds of medication the rest of your life ….

Check here for the

Lyme Symptoms List

Co infection Symptom List

The infections can cause inflammation anywhere in the body and thus create problems for organs, joints, neurotransmitters, nerves, bones, etc. Inflammation underlies many diseases.

Lyme spirochetes that enter the brain may cause hundreds of psychiatric diagnoses.

Click Here to See Articles and Studies related to the Psychiatric Manifestations of Lyme

Getting a diagnosis is difficult, especially if you have gone a long time with Lyme disease and coinfections. In this case the bacteria have had time to spread throughout the body, and it is also not easy to get the right diagnosis quickly.

We are part of millions who got the wrong diagnoses. When we got to take more extensive tests abroad or at certain good laboratories, it has been shown that we are suffering from Lyme disease and coinfections. Many who received treatment have improved and feel quite okay, according to studies, only around  6% don’t respond to Lyme disease treatment at the special clinics.

We know that, unfortunately, many who are seriously ill, don’t get the right help because of misdiagnosis. There are also many who haven’t yet gotten any diagnosis, but go in and out of the emergency room with many so-called ”diffuse” but very real symptoms, and are met by unsympathetic doctors. Many are finally driven to desperation.

But there is help available. We’ve gotten better (albeit not completely healthy yet) with the help of long-term antibiotic treatment and other alternative treatments. We now got rid of most of the vilest symptoms, and the wrong medications. The infections may have caused damage to our organs, so some symptoms may never disappear, but it can at least get better. We want to spread info about this to help others in the same situation, preferably before very severe complications have occurred.

Read more:

Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Sick Building Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, learning disability, endometriosis, sensory-neural deafness, low vision, Chronic Soft Tissue Injury and Lyme Disease:

Distinct Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteomes Differentiate Post-Treatment Lyme Disease from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

Lyme-associated parkinsonism: a neuropathologic case study and review of the literature:

Bartonella and other infections found to mimic or maybe cause MS:

Fibromyalgia remission with malarone:

Paper associating Morgellons with spirochetal lillness (bovine digitalis):

Second paper finding spirochetes in lesion material of Morgellons sufferers:–peer-reviewed-article-CCID

Interview with Microbiologist Marianne Middleveen discussing the latest research. She is researching Morgellons and the one that found the spirochete in Morgellons patients lesions: