Etikettarkiv: biofilm

Beviset för kronisk borrelia: biofilm!

Dr. Alan MacDonald berättar i en intressant artikel om svårigheterna med att få ut vetenskapliga studier som visar att kronisk borrelia finns.

”The most important milestone happened in November 2012 with the long-awaited publication of the PLOS ONE article on In Vitro Biofilms of Borrelia Burgdorferi.

It took six years of tedious and gut-wrenching work to get the article into a prestigious journal, PLOS ONE.  The acceptance for the article to be published was, like some births, not an easy delivery. The original manuscript reviews required mandatory revisions – non-negotiable revisions. The most onerous of these was the directive by the editorial staff  to remove any and all language from the manuscript which  connected the significance of biofilms ofBorrelia  to human medicine, human disease, and to Lyme disease specifically. They also required us to remove any and all language relating to attitudes toward the proper treatment of Lyme disease and related Borrelia infections. We acceded to these demands.

Why would PhD reviewers be at all interested in MD-type concerns? Here the existing politics provide an answer.

None of the three reviewers was an IDSA-aligned person. All of the reviewers, as far as we could determine, were European microbiologists with special life experience in biofilm biology of other non-Borrelia microbes.

The sticky wicket about biofilms is that biofilms of the infectious type are ALWAYS a marker of CHRONIC INFECTION.

Chronic Lyme borreliosis was then and in 2013 still is a much disputed entity.”

Läs mer här om hur man fann borreliabiofilm inte bara in vitro utan även i en hudbiopsi från en europeisk patient, och inte minst om ett möjligt sätt att få bort biofilmen:

Kronisk borrelia finns – här får alla ni som tvivlar beviset!